What to Look for When Choosing a Web Host
Starting a website or blog can be one of the easiest parts of building your internet empire. What is not so easy, however, is selecting the best web hosting provider. The process can be daunting for a newbie who has yet to decipher what “hosting” means.
Today, there is over a billion websites on the internet. Many started out as ideas, hobbies, or even test websites. So, you may be at ground zero looking to expand. By knowing what to look for and what makes a great web hosting service, you can better focus on creating great website content.
Although it is easy to make quick judgements of a service based on price alone, websites require an enormous investment of time and money, so it is important to get a holistic view of the qualities needed within a web hosting service. Pricing, customer support and uptime are three of the most critical areas of web hosting. Here’s our yardstick for assessing your web host’s quality:
1.History & Length of Time in Business
Legacy is important – in the crowded hosting space, businesses that have lasted longer are more successful. Look for companies that have their own data center, a support team, and superior customer service. Satisfied customers leave glowing reviews, so make sure to check those out before hiring a web host.
2. Server Hardware & Uptime
In addition to experience, the actual hardware and servers that are being used to host web sites and blogs is also important. The best servers are expensive and they cost a lot of money to manage, store and keep online.
3. Backups
Speaking of quality hardware and uptime, redundant storage is completely necessary. When disaster strikes, you’ll be glad you opted for one. The best hosting companies will have automatic backups monthly, weekly, daily and even hourly.
4. Price
Pricing is a very important piece for all customers, services, and products – but, it is important to weigh other factors than which option is the cheapest. Web hosting packages come in different shapes and sizes. Make sure to compare hosting and see what services and features are built into your selected plan before moving forward.
5. Support & Customer Service
Customer service and 24/7 support is vital to running your online business. When something goes down, believe me, you’re going to want support! The best hosting service provides support 24/7 through phone calls, but also online chat, email and FAQ pages.
6. Network Uptime
Network connectivity is most important, without it, good luck with your online business. Web hosting services vary in size, location and services. The best hosting providers will have full connectivity at the highest speeds, while also having backup servers and f