Facebook’s Data Centers

Facebook was launched in February 2004, initially out of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s dorm room at Harvard University and using a single server. Now, Facebook is currently the most trafficked website on the internet, with more than 1 trillion page views per month. That translates into massive data storage needs. Just how big is Facebook’s data centers?

Each data center comprises thousands of computer servers, which are networked together and linked to the outside world through fiber optic cables. Every time you make a post to Facebook, these servers receive and distribute the information to your network of friends. Accounting for nearly 9% of total internet traffic, Facebook’s main storage outlays are for accommodating the nearly 300 million new photos users post every day. Additionally, the platform must warehouse enough information to keep more than 1 million sub-domains and 550,000 applications running.

Facebook has constructed two huge data centers, with several more in development, including a center in Sweden. Facebook’s move to build centers in Europe reflects the fact that over 70 percent of Facebook’s audience is in foreign countries.

To give a window into how these servers work together, a company spokesperson elucidated, “Loading a user’s home page typically requires accessing hundreds of servers, processing tens of thousands of individual pieces of data, and delivering the information selected in less than one second.”

In its growing stages, Facebook relied heavily on third-party data center landlords to accommodate their growing traffic needs. This was helpful as they could access needed infrastructure quicker than having to wait for the completion of their own data centers.

Facebook currently has several data centers within the United States. They recently completed a center in Prineville, Oregon. The advantage of having an in-house data center is greater control over the configuration and cooling systems within the facility. Facebook also has a large center in North Carolina.

The rest of their space is rented or ‘leased’ from six major data centers within Silicon Valley, California and northwest Virginia. If growth continues at the current rate, Facebook will follow in the steps of other major companies such as; Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and eBay, by constructing more company-built data centers.

How Big Are Facebook’s Data Centers?

Of their two existing company built centers, each total to 307,000 square feet – or two super Wal-Mart stores combined. Of their leased space, their price point is measured in energy consumption – which is why Facebook is dedicated to green initiatives to reduce environmental impact, and operating costs.

Why is it important to consider servers and data centers?

Without servers, the internet would cease to function. Similarly, if your business does not have a server allocated, then there would be no way for your website to be hosted. However, if you are not technically inclined, you are not to worry. In this instance, the best choice is to outsource your network management to an IT services firm, which can take care of all of the infrastructural and software requirements so that your website can function effortlessly. If Facebook does it, why can’t you?  Click here to find out how your business can run better.

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